About Us

Launched in 2011 by Ian Kelly and Eli Ward, New Hope Records is an entertainment platform built on musical diversity and creativity and formed to produce compelling content. Audio Visual, Analog Digital.

In early 2011, New Hope Records solidified a digital distribution deal with Soulspazm Digital, a boutique distribution agency based in New York, to distribute content to the major international Digital Streaming Providers and Music Retail Services.

On July 7, 2011, NHR released their first album, Larry Tamanini: “Lookin’ Into It”. Larry quickly took the #1 spot on Philadelphia's WRTI. With the help of seasoned Jazz DJ, Jeff Duperon and many phone requests, “Lookin’ Into It” held the number one spot for (21) days straight. Following the first release, Ian and Eli took on other music production endeavors, with Ian producing shows with U2 and Lady Gaga and Eli producing for Beyonce and Alicia Keys.

In its tenth year of its existence, this group of music industry professionals have come together to recruit a carefully selected and diverse group artists for a musical compilation entitled: New Hope Records Presents: Volume 1. The concept behind the Compilation is simple: power in numbers. With more artists and creators working together, it creates more space and opportunities to showcase and extend beyond one’s individual audience: cross promotion and cross pollination. These factors are all important tenets for the NHR community.

The first part of this process was building a team of individuals that could support the task of identifying artists and encouraging them to cultivate and express their unique creativity. Ian was inspired to call Robyn Crawford, a veteran music industry executive, artist representative and friend, to ask if she would be interested in working on a labor of love. No pressure. No money. Just passion. Intrigued, she agreed and they began the process of recruiting talent for their new creative community. What started as weekly Friday Zoom calls turned into daily phone calls and listening sessions to find artists and music that resonated with their creative values.

Through that process they have infused the platform with a variety of musicians, singers, songwriters, producers and talent of all ages to produce a diverse, talent driven roster. A roster of not only musicians and arts but a team of volunteers and individuals dedicated to the music.

Now, as that reformed team of players, New Hope Records draws on their resources to help grow the music and creative content to reach fans and listeners.

Through our partnerships we have an extensive reach that includes Retail Distributors and International Digital Service Providers all over the globe.